Vitamin D has been made a major breakthrough in the production

Vitamin D works with calcium to support your bones. You need vitamin D to absorb calcium from the food you eat as it passes through the intestines. If you don’t have enough vitamin D, the body can’t get calcium from food so it takes calcium out of your bones. This leads to weaker bones, fractures, and osteoporosis.

However, To increase your vitamin D levels, you can take supplements, get more sunlight, or eat more foods that have a lot of vitamin D3. It’s difficult to get enough D3 through diet alone, then the Synthetic Vitamins would also play the important in our daily life.

Let’s see the amount of Vitamin D3 from food:

Amount of D3 in Foods



% RDA*

Beef liver

42 per 3 ounces



9 per tablespoon



80 per serving



12 per ounce


Cod liver oil

1,360 per tablespoon


Egg yolks

44 per yolk


Fresh salmon

570 per 3 ounces



384 per half fillet



360 per half fillet


Milk (fortified)

120 per cup



46 per 2 fish



645 per 3 ounces



40 per 3 ounces


The Vitamin D3 produced from Maxmedchem has the following physiological functions 

1. Improving the body’s absorption of calcium and phosphorus, so that the level of plasma calcium and plasma phosphorus reaches saturation. Colecalciferol factory-Maxmedchem

2. Promoting growth and bone calcification, and promoting healthy teeth; 

3. Increasing the absorption of phosphorus through the intestinal wall, and increasing the reabsorption of phosphorus through the renal tubules; 

4. Maintaining the normal level of citrate in the blood; 

5. Preventing amino acids from passing through the kidneys loss.

International assessment about Vitamin D

A large number of in-depth international studies on vitamin D show that vitamin D is no longer regarded as a nutritional necessity for the prevention of children’s abnormal diseases. The significance of vitamin D to health has been widely recognized and has been confirmed in a large number of clinical trials, including:

1. Reducing the incidence of common cancers, such as breast cancer, lung cancer, colon cancer, etc.

2. Prevention and treatment of autoimmune diseases, hypertension and infectious diseases.

3. Vitamin D regulates the development and function of the placenta, which indicates that maintaining a good vitamin D level in pregnant women can prevent pregnancy complications such as miscarriage, preeclampsia, and premature delivery.

4. Sufficient vitamin D in utero and infants can reduce the incidence of diabetes, asthma and schizophrenia.

In general, the treatment and prevention of vitamin D deficiency are very important for the overall healthy development of all people, especially women and children.

Maxmedchem has been working at the vitamin D for over ten years. The popular products Vitamin D3 raw materials has been approved by lots of pharmaceutical companies that produce Vitamin D3 supplements. It proves that supplements are the easiest way to ensure you’re getting enough vitamin D3 every day and studies also show that supplements seem to be just as effective for boosting D3 as sunlight and food. 

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