l glutamine benefits

l glutamine benefits

Glutamine Can Accelerate Recovery Times & Reduce Soreness

Exercise soreness is a natural by-product of your training, and a fundamental part of the muscle building and rebuilding process. However, too much muscle soreness can impede your training performance and cause more harm than good. Optimizing your post workout muscle recovery is crucial to continue training and making gains.

L-Glutamine powder plays a vital role in helping your muscles rebuild and repair themselves, to prevent muscle soreness and aid in faster muscle recovery. L-glutamine inhibits muscle mass breakdown, and improves protein metabolism, thus improving exercise induced muscle soreness. Studies have shown that the anti-catabolism (protection against break down) effects of glutamine have a direct effect on reducing soreness ratings associated with resistance training, due to improving muscle tissue repair, theoretically putting your body back into an anabolic state.

In a randomized, double-blind controlled study conducted by the School of Health and Human Performance, at Dalhousie University, 16 healthy participants were either administered a placebo or 0.3 grams of L-Glutamine per kg of body weight every day for a 72-hour period after eccentric exercise involving knee extensions. The study concluded that L-Glutamine supplementation resulted in faster recovery of peak torque and diminished muscle soreness with lower soreness ratings post-workout after a three-day period

Remember when I said that in certain conditions glutamine can become essential? Well, during high intensity or prolonged training periods, your body will utilize and deplete your glutamine stores, which will inhibit its function, decreasing strength, stamina, and extending the recovery process. Supplementing with Glutamine post workout will ensure that you properly restore glutamine levels to help better rebuild and repair muscle tissue and improve your recovery times.

Studies have shown that glutamine works best when combined with branched chain amino acids, to help restore and replenish amino acid balance, to improve recovery and rebuild muscle mass.

Glutamine May Restore Immune System Health

Often overlooked, endurance athletes and bodybuilders training under heavy loads and volume will be more susceptible to infection and illness, suggesting that training may suppress immune system function. Studies have shown that Glutamine powder may benefit immune system function by producing cytokines, (small proteins released by white blood cells). With an increased number of cytokines, you invariably increase your body’s susceptibility to illness and protect your immune best organic l-glutamine powder - Maxmedchemsystem.

A randomized controlled trial published by the International Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, examined the effects of glutamine supplementation and immune system function during heavy weight resistance training. 24 athletes were administered 10g of Glutamine per day for six weeks while and assigned either to a control or experimental group. Immune system function was assessed using specific immunity markers as well as T-cell counts.

The results found that T-cell ratings (White blood cells that help mediate immune health) were extremely different between the groups, indicating a positive correlation that glutamine supplementation may be able to restore immune function and reduce the immunosuppressive effects of heavy-resistance training in athletes

Glutamine May Improve Digestive Health

One of the most fascinating benefits of glutamine powder, is its ability to rebuild and repair your gut lining by maintaining your body’s nitrogen balance. Glutamine decides when and where to disperse and utilize nitrogen atoms to be most efficient and effective in repairing your body. This is not only beneficial for muscle recovery, but can be extremely beneficial for those that have gastrointestinal issues such as leaky gut and inflammatory bowel diseases such as Chron’s, Ulcerative Colitis and IBS since these conditions are characterized by a high prevalence of intestinal hyperpermeability[3]

In a double-blind, randomized control trial, published in the leading international gastroenterology journal, Gut 115 patients were administered 15g of L-Glutamine or a placebo for 8 weeks. Increased intestinal permeability was defined as meeting a reduction of greater or equal to 50 points on the IBS Symptom Severity Scale. Secondary endpoints included changes in daily bowel movement frequency, stool form as measured by the Bristol Stool Scale, and intestinal permeability.

The results were extremely impressive with nearly 80% of the Glutamine group achieving their primary endpoint. Glutamine also significantly reduced daily bowel movement frequency (3 vs. 5) and Bristol Stool Scale scores (4 vs. 6.5) and normalized intestinal permeability.

Metabolically stressed individuals such as those with inflammatory bowel disease have an increased demand for glutamine, making supplementation critical in maintaining intestinal homeostasis.

According to the GI Society Of Intestinal Research in both healthy and stressed individuals, glutamine is a fuel source for cells in the small intestine and large bowel. It is the preferred fuel source by the gut and is necessary for the maintenance of gut villi, therefore, preventing bacteria from entering the small intestine or bowel wall. Evidence shows that patients with IBD may benefit greatly from supplementing with glutamine.

Glutamine May Help Improve Strength Gains

While glutamine is not directly linked to strength parameters, glutamine does promote a positive nitrogen balance which is a required process to facilitates muscle protein synthesis. L-Glutamine reduces muscle mass breakdown also known as muscle catabolism, helping with repair muscle mass, which will inevitably lead to an increase in muscle mass.

Studies have shown that BCAAs combined with L-Glutamine may optimize muscle protein synthesis and reduce muscle mass breakdown, thus improving strength gains and increasing lean muscle mass.

Evidence suggests that there is a direct correlation between glutamine and branched chain amino acids, and the process of protein metabolism. BCAAs are a major nitrogen source, and since glutamine controls nitrogen balance, glutamine acts as a catalyst for muscle tissue development

Glutamine Improves Hydration

One of the most surprising benefits of glutamine, is its role in hydration. Hydration is a critical element to optimize the recovery process. Studies have shown that dehydration can increase perceived pain associated with delayed onset muscle soreness, and exacerbate muscle soreness post workout

Recent research demonstrates that glutamine promotes rehydration by enhancing electrolyte and water absorption, due to its ability in rebuilding intestinal lining, reducing hyperpermeability.

In a study published in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, ten male subjects were administered 0.3g of L-Glutamine or a placebo to examine the effects of L-Glutamine ingestion on hydration during endurance exercise. The results found that time to exhaustion was significantly reduced and performance levels were significantly improved with higher concentrations of L-Glutamine. L-Glutamine uptake by the skeletal muscles resulted in greater sodium uptake. The enhanced sodium uptake by skeletal muscle may have contributed to a reduction in fatigue by maintaining strength and efficiency of muscle contractility

l glutamine benefits gut

Late exploration has demonstrated the way that the amino corrosive glutamine can decidedly influence stomach wellbeing by supporting the stomach microbiome, stomach mucosal wall uprightness, and by regulating fiery reactions. As balanced by the vagus nerve, by means of the intestinal sensory system, the stomach cerebrum association can affect the mind’s neurochemical climate. Unfortunate stomach wellbeing can upset the equilibrium of synapses, which can bring about neuropsychiatric based conditions like wretchedness. Glutamine supplementation might offer huge adjunctive dietary help in instances of wretchedness by advancing appropriate stomach wellbeing and capability.

l glutamine benefits skin

L-Glutamine is the most bountiful normally happening amino corrosive in the human body, called unnecessary amino acids. The others, fundamental amino acids, should be gotten through an outside source (like your eating routine). Consolidating both fundamental and trivial amino acids in everyday customary skincare routine can decidedly affect the general wellbeing and excellence of your skin.

Otherwise called Glutamine, L-Glutamine assists skin cells with working ideally for smooth, brilliant, solid looking skin. Besides, L-Glutamine is deductively demonstrated to assume a significant part in the development of fibroblast cells. Collagen is the protein that gives skin its energetic immovability, and it makes up 75% of our skin. As we age, how much collagen that we normally produce starts to decline, and hence, the breakdown of collagen and openness of skin to harming bright radiation from the sun prompts the arrangement of kinks and listing skin. L-Glutamine assists with switching these impacts of maturing by altogether expanding collagen creation inside the skin – turning around the impacts of maturing, reestablishing skin’s normal tone, and streamlining the surface.

l glutamine benefits stomach

Glutamine straightforwardly upholds stomach wellbeing and capability in three key perspectives: 1) it emphatically affects supporting the equilibrium of the stomach microbiome, 2) it builds the outflow of tight intersection proteins and the honesty of the digestive coating, and 3) it assists with limiting the fiery reaction in circumstances of stomach mucosal aggravation.

l glutamine benefits hair

There is no logical proof that supports guarantees that glutamine causes or adds to balding. Since glutamine is frequently connected with the universe of working out, the enhancement might be dishonestly seen as an anabolic steroid by some who are curious about it. Surely, unlawful anabolic steroids have various incidental effects, including the potential for going bald, yet glutamine isn’t a steroid. The utilization of glutamine supplements is legitimate and causes no serious aftereffects in solid individuals.

l glutamine benefits for weight loss

L-glutamine is an amino corrosive tracked down in numerous food sources and enhancements.

In spite of the fact that exploration is restricted, a few examinations recommend that it supports transient weight reduction by changing the organization of your stomach microbiome, lessening irritation, and further developing insulin responsiveness.

Regardless, its drawn out impacts aren’t known. More examination is required.

Furthermore, glutamine ought not be viewed as a convenient solution for weight reduction. All things considered, you ought to coordinate it with a decent eating regimen and sound way of life for the best outcomes.

Is it good to take L-glutamine?

Glutamine is necessary to maintain muscle protein. It first rose in popularity as a fitness supplement promoted for muscle gain and fat burn. Scientists continue to study these claims, and while studies don’t confirm any muscle-building effects, it may help reduce fatigue and improve exercise recovery.