Does quercetin have side effects

Quercetin is a flavonoid with antioxidant properties. There are many natural sources of this compound, including fruits such as apples and grapes, certain types of nuts, and green tea. In addition, red wine, which is good for health, is also related to its inclusion of this antioxidant. Flavonoids such as quercetin are generally considered to be beneficial to health, and such nutrients are often recommended to promote overall health. Flavonoids are water-soluble, so it is easier to excrete the excess when ingested in excess. In addition to these positive effects, some serious side effects related to excessive intake of quercetin have also been reported.quercetine distributor-Maxmedchem

Quercetin supplement application

Nutritional supplements containing quercetin are often used to treat eye diseases caused by allergies, diabetes, cataracts or retinal problems, atherosclerosis, and are even recommended as anti-aging treatments. Different nutritional products contain different amounts of quercetin, but it is generally believed that 500-1500 mg per day is the most beneficial to health. However, some health experts believe that this dose is obviously too high, which can easily lead to adverse reactions in some people. These experts believe that getting quercetin from a normal diet is a healthier way than supplements.

Quercetine side effects

The side effects of quercetin usually occur shortly after high-dose intake, especially acid reflux is the most common. Taking quercetin during or immediately after a meal can effectively avoid such minor side effects. Other negative effects that quercetin can cause include increased inflammation in the body. Although antioxidants can protect the body from inflammation, large doses can easily cause adverse effects and induce inflammation. Joint pain and stiffness are common manifestations of this side effect.

Other possible side effects include abnormal changes in hormone levels in the body. For example, estrogen as a female hormone is particularly susceptible to high levels of quercetin. A study found that premenopausal women taking nutritional supplements containing quercetin had significantly higher blood estrogen levels than women taking nutritional supplements without quercetin. Excessive levels of estrogen are known to be potentially associated with a high risk of female reproductive system cancer and breast cancer.

Some researchers also believe that the side effects of quercetin may also include a high risk of causing certain cancers. Although the normal dose of quercetin helps fight some types of cancer, excessive intake can also cause negative effects. Because high concentrations of quercetin can easily cause DNA damage.

Due to the potential of quercetin to cause genetic damage, many health professionals recommend that pregnant women avoid consuming this type of nutrient.

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